« 2008年08月19日2008年10月15日 »


LCP LIVE!Buoyed by the success of their by-invitation performance at the Japan Expo 2008, held in Paris in June, Lost Color People are proud to announce the Japan release of LCP LIVE! – a live recording previously available only in Europe.

Recorded in Japan in May 2008, this album showcases the grooving, rocking funk sound that delighted many thousands in France, who either saw the band perform or listened to a special in-studio performance broadcast live on Radio France. What's more, LCP LIVE! also contains bonus material not available on the Europe-only release – hear the band perform their interpretation of Gauloises by Hiroshi "Monsieur" Kamayatsu and watch them play live in a special video by French director, Alexandre Bartholo.

LCP LIVE! goes on sale on November 19th. Get your copy of the CD from major outlets such as Amazon, HMV, Tower Records, and Shinseido, in addition to many other Japanese record stores carrying independent releases. Or if you prefer downloads, please visit iTunes, Amazon MP3, or one of the many other sites accessible from all over the world.


フランスのWebマガジン「Orient Extrême」オリエント・エクストリームにLost Color PeopleのJapan Expo at Parisライブレポートとインタビュー記事が掲載されました。(フランス語です。)

Lost Color People en concert à JAPAN EXPO 2008 : reportage et interview

スペシャルティコーヒー専門店 Bijoux Coffee Web Shop
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